Friday 12 February 2016

How To Give Your Home A Pocket-Friendly Makeover?

Do you want to give your home a make-over but, are postponing your plan because you don't have the budget yet? There isn't any need to postpone! You might have seen your friends spending a whole lot of money on redecorating their space. This is what scares you and has you turn off your plan of renovating at the moment. But, do you know that you can get a renovated home without breaking the bank? Here are some easy, quick and affordable tips and tricks that would help you redesign your rooms, if not renovate them completely. Let’s take a look at how you can renovate every individual room.

Living room

There isn't any need to buy new furniture and spend a wholesome to make your living room a beautiful place to invite your guests to be seated. You can get your furniture exchanged or buy second-hand furniture that is still good enough to invest in. Or at the least, get the furnishings and covers changed. Throw some vibrant colored cushions on your couch for a new and fresh look. Get off with your old drapes but, don't buy new ones. Use some of the extra bed sets or any other fabric you might be having and sew new drapes on your own. Place fresh or artificial flower vases around the room to complete the look.


Paint your wooden furniture in a different color. Use new bed sets. Just like the living room, sew new drapes for your room and line up one side of your bed with some vibrant cushions. Make a beautiful new quilt by using old clothes, used tablecloths and faded curtains. This will not only bring you a new quilt but, will also have you utilize your old and unnecessary essentials.


Make your kitchen an artistic one by crafting a shelf on one wall and placing vintage items, painted plates and any such other beautiful crockery items lined up beautifully on it. You can also put up beautiful glass frames painted in oil paint on your walls. If you have a dining table in the kitchen, cover it with an easy-to-clean oilcloth. Change the handles of all the cupboards and drawers by fixing those that are the latest in trend. It might seem like a very tiny thing but, it will add up to the beauty of your kitchen.


Make your bathroom look bigger, brighter and cleaner by painting it white. Hang wooden blinds in your bathroom, which are inexpensive yet stylish as compared to curtains. If your bathroom has a separate shower area, you can add a shower glass to give a bigger look to your bathroom. Add a beautifully designed large wall mirror.


Renovating your home can be made more affordable if you do all the possible things yourself. You know how costly it gets to hire a painter, carpenter, tailor and other home decorators. Try doing as much as you can yourself. Take help from all your family members. After all, it is every member’s duty to do so. Do the painting, artwork, sewing, changing the handles, etc. yourself.

Work smartly and design your home beautifully and stylishly while staying within your budget. Happy renovating!